Air Force Special Warfare IFT
The purpose of the Initial Fitness Test (IFT) is to assess a candidate’s physical abilities for entry into Air Force Special Warfare. The IFT consists of 6 events in this order- pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, a 1.5 mile run, two 25-meter underwater swims, and a 500-meter surface swim. All events are timed, and candidates must pass every test component in one uninterrupted test evaluation.
This test has two options, the full 6 event IFT, and a 4 event diagnostic test, which excludes the swimming events. The diagnostic test is used for candidate evaluation purposes only.
Diagnostic + Swim
This test can be used to qualify for a Pararescue Airman (PJ), a Combat Controller (CCT), a Special Reconnaissance Airman (SR), or a Tactical Air Control Party Airman (TACP). Portions of this test may also be used for qualification into SERE or EOD.
After each exercise there will be a designated rest period. At the end of the rest, you must begin the next exercise immediately, excessive rest will constitute failure for the whole test. Air Force Special Warfare is very competitive, and a passing score will not guarantee admittance into a special program.